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What Makes Flutter a Best Platform for Enterprise App Development?

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What Makes Flutter a Best Platform for Enterprise App Development?


In the recent few years, Mobile application development has seen a major attraction. While everyone is shifting to an online form of business, most people look for building mobile applications. There have been different coding frameworks being made available such as Flutter that allow developers to build cross-platform mobile applications. Since the launch of this framework, it is being widely adopted by mid-level businesses and startups due to its unique features. 

As per recent statistics, There has been a rise in the usage of the flutter framework for building a cross-platform mobile application. Nearly 50 percent of mobile applications are now built using flutter as its popularity among developers has constantly increased. In this blog, we would be discussing specifically flutter and why it is the best platform for building Enterprise level mobile applications. 

The Need For Enterprise Software 

Enterprise-level softwares are majorly used by businesses and companies to optimize their working processes. Most of the processes include supply chain management, customer relationship management, managing finances, human resources, and much more. Some of the advantages of using the Enterprise level Software are following

  • It optimizes efficiency by automating and streamlining all business processes. Also, it reduces the need for manual labor and allows employees to focus more on valuable tasks.
  • It also helps to increase productivity, as it provides a large range of tools and modules that allows employees to work more efficiently. Also, enterprise-level softwares can help you to achieve the best results and more productivity.
  • It helps businesses to grow. With the help of enterprise-level software, one can easily analyze a large amount of data and perform actions and decisions based on it.
  • It enhances collaboration among the employees. There are several modules available that one can use to collaborate and communicate with other team members.

Flutter for Enterprise App Development

Enterprise applications are useful for all sizes of businesses be they small-scale or large-scale. A lot of progressive startups and large companies use flutter for building enterprise-level applications. Enterprise-level applications built using Flutter allows the admin to have full control over data management, and business process automation, and promote an event-driven approach to building applications.

Talking about Flutter only, there are more than 5000 libraries available that are often supported by the large community which makes it the best choice for building massive-scale enterprise applications. Some of the advantages of using Flutter for Enterprise level applications are the following.

  • Highly Efficient Layered Architecture.

It allows the building of a layered architecture for enterprise-level applications such as a data access layer, business logic layer, service layer, and presentation layer. 

  • Development Environment for both Android and IOS Platforms.

Flutter gives a complete Native-like application experience. Also, developers can easily integrate it with Visual Studio Code, Android Studio, and IntelliJ. Also, Flutter is a part of the Dart ecosystem that allows developers to use Dart libraries and packages to enhance the functionalities and supportability of flutter applications.

  • User Interface

It gives a lot of choices to developers to make an easy-to-use User interface. To make your enterprise-level application more interactive and easy to use, you can incorporate Animations, Infinite scrolling, page transition, and much more. 

What Makes Flutter Framework Different?

Flutter is often considered to be a great choice for mobile application development. Some of the unique features like a fast development cycle, and the ability to build natively compiled applications for different platforms like mobile phones or desktops and laptops. Also, it allows developers to add customizable widgets. Some of the advantages of Flutter enterprise app development are the following.

  • Cross Platform Development

With Flutter Developers can build applications for different devices such as the web, android, ios, and much more from one common code base. This saves a lot of time for the developers and resources to build separate applications for each platform.

  • Customizable Widgets

There is a wide range of options available for developers to use customizable widgets in their applications to make them more user-friendly and responsive. 

  • Easily Integrable with Any Platform.

Flutter has good backend support hence, developers can easily add the Native platform APIs, which can make the overall development process quite easy. Also, it is quite simple to access several devices for testing and functionality.

  • Strong Community Support

Flutter is the programming language built by the software engineers of Google. Hence there is a large community that can be useful for you to get help or do any sort of discussion during the flutter enterprise application development process. 

In a nutshell, fluter is a powerful framework that is well-suited for enterprise mobile or desktop application development. Also, it aligns with all the needs and requirements of small-scale to large-scale companies. 

Also Read: Top Best Flutter Development Tools in 2024

Leading Companies That Have Used Flutter For Enterprise App Development 

Some of the leading companies that have used flutter for enterprise application development are the following.

  • Philips Hue

It is the lightning company that used Flutter to develop a new mobile application for their new device, Hue Sync Box that allows users to match lights with their choice of games, music, and movies.

  • Abbey Road Studio

It is one of the famous recording studios that heavily used Flutter Platform to design applications for their Redevelopment project.

  • Alibaba

Alibaba is the Chinese company that used Flutter for building a Xianyu platform that serves almost 200 million customers.

  • Groupon

Groupon is a famous website used for finding exciting deals and offers. They used Flutter to build a new application specifically for the Chinese market that serves over 100 million customers.

Advantages of Using Flutter for Enterprise App Development 

If you want to build a complex and feature-rich Enterprise application, then Flutter programming could be the best choice. It helps you to save a lot of time and money in building applications compatible with different devices. Some of the Advantages of Flutter for Enterprise Application Development are

  • Quicker Launch to Market

Flutter makes it quite easy for developers and business owners to launch applications as with one common codebase, they can launch applications in two different markets, iOS, and Android.

Flutter Benefit for Enterprise App Development
  • Good Documents and Resources

Even if your development team does not have experience with using flutter, then you should not worry. There are a lot of documents and resources available that developers can use to learn about the Flutter Programming language.

  • Cost-Effective Solution

Cost Optimization is always a question for every company. While you use flutter for application development you are saving cost by not hiring two different teams for application development of the Android and iOS platform.

Also Read: How to Build a Flutter Web Application in 2024

How Can MultiQoS Help in the development of Flutter-based Enterprise Apps? 

MultiQoS is a flutter application development company in USA that offers a wide range of services such as the following.

  • User Interface Design

It can help your company to design a user-friendly and appealing user Interface for any enterprise-level mobile application.

  • Integration of third-party Systems and APIs

Flutter application mobile developers can help you to integrate your mobile application to APIs, and backend systems for enabling data exchange and other functionalities.

  • Testing and Debugging of the Application.

Once your application is completely developed, Flutter Application Developers in USA can help you to improve the quality and reliability of your application by doing complete Quality Assurance and testing.

  • Deployment and Maintenance

Our developers also help to maintain the application by providing regular support and updates for your application whenever needed.

MultiQoS is a one-stop solution for all your Flutter-based enterprise-level application development.

Wrapping Up 

In Summary, Flutter is the best open-source application development framework created by the team behind the Dart programming language. It allows developers and business owners to build any sort of application for any platform with one common code base. Some of the unique advantages like fast development life cycle, Customizable widgets, and cost-effective solutions, a lot of companies use Flutter for building enterprise-level applications. 

Flutter is a powerful framework that is well-suited for small-scale to large-scale enterprise applications. Also, it aligns with your goals and requirements at your business.

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FAQs On Flutter Enterprise App Development

Yes, flutter is one of the best choices for enterprise-level application development due to its unique features like cross-platform application development, fast development cycle, etc.

Flutter is regularly updated and improved by the development company. It is expected that in the coming next few years, it will become the relevant choice for developers to build mobile applications.

Flutter mobile application Development is highly dependent on various factors like the duration of the project, its complexity, number of developers needed. It is highly recommended to consult with a flutter application development company to get a more accurate estimation.

A lot of large companies use Flutter for applications. Some examples are Alibaba, Relflectly, Groupon, and Google Ads. The combination of features like customizable widgets, and cross-platform compatibility makes it the best choice for enterprise applications.

Flutter is one of the best frameworks for building complex applications. It gives developers a Granular level of control over applications. A lot of leading companies have built feature-reach applications with flutter.

Flutter is regularly updated and improvised by the developer’s team to ensure that it is the relevant choice for building applications in the upcoming years.

Parth Thakkar

Written by Parth Thakkar

Parth Thakkar is Chief Information Officer at MultiQoS, boasting a rich background in successfully executing intricate projects and fostering collaboration across diverse teams within Agile and Waterfall project frameworks. Renowned for his adeptness in navigating complex and dynamic settings, he is deeply committed to leveraging technology to address business hurdles and drive innovation.

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