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How Does Flutter Help Industries Build Remarkable Applications?

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How Does Flutter Help Industries Build Remarkable Applications?

An Overview of Flutter

Flutter is an open-source UI (User Interface) toolkit developed by the tech giant Google. It allows developers to create visually appealing, natively compiled mobile applications such as Android, iOS, and Web with one common codebase. The underlying technology is Dart programming language which is an object-oriented and modern programming language, also easy to learn and use. 

Flutter provides a variety of pre-built widgets that enables the developer to create animated, static, and custom UI elements quickly. Furthermore, there are also some amazing features such as Hot-reload, that allow flutter app developers to look at changes in real-time without building code again. In the recent few years, flutter has gained a lot of popularity among app developers due to its ease of use, high performance, and flexibility.

What Popular Apps Are Made with Flutter?

Flutter has been widely used to develop various applications in various domains like entertainment, e-commerce, and finance. Some of the popular apps built using Flutter are the following.

  • Hookle
  • Birch Finance
  • Grab Super App
  • Xianyu by Alibaba
  • Tencent Now
  • Hamilton Musical
  • Reflect
  • Alibaba
  • Google Ads.

Why is Flutter Highly Used for Developing Mobile Apps?

Flutter is highly used for developing mobile applications. it offers a variety of unique features and benefits which makes it one of the ideal choices for developing apps. 

  • Cross-platform app development: Developers now dont need to write two different codebases for the iOS and Android application, they can simply use the Flutter as it allows the deployment of the same codebase in any environment.
  • Customizable widgets: Developers can leverage the customizable widgets in Flutter to create engaging and unique interfaces to provide seamless user experience.
  • High performance: applications developed using Flutter can easily run on low end devices as its architecture is designed in such a way that it offers high performance and seamless user experience.
  • Hot Reload: Developing apps with Flutter is quite easy, as developers can check their changes in real time with the help of the hot reload feature in the Flutter. This doesn’t require developers to rebuild their application.
  • Fintech Flutter Application Development: Flutter is the perfect choice for fintech applications due to its cost-effectiveness, efficiency, and reliability. Flutter has got two important characteristics that are needed to build the applications and they are customizable widgets and high performing architecture.

Also Read: How Much Does It Cost to Develop a Flutter App in 2024?

What Role Can Flutter Play in Business App Transformation?

Flutter is the ideal choice now for developing the applications for both Android and IOS. This tool has already played a significant role in transforming the businesses by providing a tool that offers numerous features like cross platform and customizable widgets. With Flutter businesses can effectively and efficiently develop mobile applications that enhance their business operations and provide them the medium to connect with their customers. Moreover it overall enhances the user experience and enhances productivity.

Another important reason why Flutter has helped to transform business is that it is a cost effective solution and requires less effort to build applications. A Lot of animation features and customizable widgets help to create unique and stunning interfaces that can help businesses to stand out the competition. Moreover businesses were able to establish a strong brand image that has enhanced the customer engagement and increased the growth and revenue.

Developing Banking and Fintech Apps in 2024

Why are Flutter Fintech Apps Worth a Try?

A lot of fintech applications are now using Flutter as an underlying technology. Some of the key reasons why Flutter Fintech applications are worth a try are given below

  • Security: With its built-in security features like biometric authentication, encryption, and secure data storage, fintech businesses can develop an application that keeps the customer’s financial data secure. 
  • Growing Community: Flutter has the biggest community of contributors and developers, which means there is a wealth of support and resources able for the business looking to develop the flutter fintech application using the platform. The community also makes sure that Flutter is constantly improving and evolving, which means businesses can stay at the cutting edge of fintech applications.
  • High-Performance architecture: Flutter is built on High-performance architecture that makes apps perform faster and more efficiently even for complex applications. This is quite important for fintech applications as they need reliable and fast processing of different types of financial transactions.
  • Faster Development time: Flutter’s hot reload features allow developers to see their changes in real time without a need to restart their application. This significantly impacts the speed of development and makes it easy to refine and iterate on the application features.
Mobile Banking App Development
Source: Mobile Banking App
Why Google Pay and Nubank Used Flutter to Rewrite Their applications?

Google Play’s app was previously written in Java for Android and Objective C for iOS, which made it quite difficult to update and maintain the applications. With Flutter, Google was able to create a single codebase for both platforms reducing the overall development cost and time. Also, Flutter’s customizable widgets allowed Google to create responsive and visually stunning applications that provide a better user experience for customers.

NuBank, a digital bank based in Brazil, has also faced a similar challenge. Nubank had earlier built their application using react native but it didn’t provide the expected results and was not flexible or high performing. By migrating to Flutter Nubank was able to create a visually appealing, responsive and fast application that has made the customer banking experience quite seamless.

Flutter: a Reliable Choice for Cross-Platform App Development

In Summary, in today’s time if you want to build a mobile application the Flutter is one of the promising options as it offers features to build cross platform and great User experience applications specifically in the Fintech Industry. Flutter is one of the comprehensive tools for the developers to create amazing applications in any Industry. Companies looking to streamline their application development process, should consider Flutter. A lot of big companies like Google Pay and Nubank are using it.

Ready to Get Started for Fintech App Development?

Our experienced fintech app development team can help solve your financial sector challenges with our app development services.

FAQ about Flutter Application Development

Flutter is the programming language developed by Google that allows developers to build applications for different platforms using one single codebase. The underlying programming language is Dart.

It is quite important to look at the experience of developers and their portfolio while you look for the mobile app development company. The proven track record of the company speaks about the success of their projects.

Yes, Flutter is quite useful for building the cross platform application. With Flutter developers can develop one single codebase that can be used to run applications on iOS and Android devices. This reduces the overall cost and time for app development.

There are numerous benefits of flutter app development such as reduced costs, faster development time, customizable widgets, high-performance architecture.

Yes, Flutter is completely suitable for creating applications for enterprises; its features make it an ideal choice for companies looking to fasten the development process. You can avail of further guidance from companies offering mobile application development services.

Parth Thakkar

Written by Parth Thakkar

Parth Thakkar is Chief Information Officer at MultiQoS, boasting a rich background in successfully executing intricate projects and fostering collaboration across diverse teams within Agile and Waterfall project frameworks. Renowned for his adeptness in navigating complex and dynamic settings, he is deeply committed to leveraging technology to address business hurdles and drive innovation.

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