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How To Build An App Like Threads? A Complete Guide

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How To Build An App Like Threads? A Complete Guide

The latest Instagram Threads app has gained significant attention and widespread popularity across various online platforms.

In the context of the GenZ demographic, it is customary to stay abreast of current trends, with social media platforms serving as essential sources of information. This increase in demand has prompted a need for social media applications that are user-friendly, highly efficient, feature-rich, and equipped with Artificial Intelligence capabilities.

Instagram has decided to launch its new program, a threads app called ‘Twitter Killer.’ Devised by Meta, this feature was expected to be a new addition to the marketplace, with many pundits sceptical about its success. Within 16 hours of its launch, the feature recorded a whopping 30 million sign-ups. What is this feature that has taken the world by storm? The official description calls the ‘Threads’ feature a new dynamic social media application that promotes conversations among different groups hailing from a cornucopia of different and vibrant communities.

Notably, the Threads app, recently launched by Instagram, achieved a remarkable feat by reaching 1 million users within an astonishingly brief 2 hours of its debut. This achievement is particularly noteworthy, given the fierce competition among established platforms, which solidifies Threads’ position in social media history.

What is a Threads App and Why is Everyone Talking About It?

Threads is a newly introduced text-based social media application developed by Meta and integrated into Instagram. The app draws inspiration from Twitter and offers similar features to its users. Threads function as a microblogging platform that allows individuals to share concise updates, limited to 500 characters. They can be accompanied by multimedia elements like photos, videos, and hyperlinks.

Despite its resemblance to Twitter in overall functionality, Threads sets itself apart with its unique attributes. Unlike conventional text-based apps, Threads facilitates more than textual communication. It empowers users to effectively express ideas and actively engage in conversations, fostering a richer user experience. The application’s seamless interface ensures effortless connectivity with a wide range of users, making it an ideal choice for concise, text-based communication purposes.

Within just one week of its release, Threads achieved a remarkable milestone by amassing 100 million users. This unprecedented accomplishment sets an all-time record for the platform, clearly distinguishing Threads from other popular platforms in terms of rapid user acquisition.

Below are statistics on the time various online applications reached 100 million users:

  • Threads by Instagram: The Threads app reached 1 million users within a mere 2 hours of its launch, and within just one week, it amassed an astonishing 100 million users.
  • ChatGPT: This notable platform acquired 100 million users in a relatively short time frame of 2 months.
  • TikTok: The popular video-sharing platform, TikTok, achieved the milestone of 100 million users in a span of 9 months.
  • Instagram: In its early days, the Instagram app took 2.5 years to gain 100 million users, highlighting its steady and gradual growth.

These statistics demonstrate the varying degrees of success and growth rates among different online applications. Threads by Instagram stands out with its exceptional user acquisition speed, setting a record for social media platforms.

Threads’ rapid ascent highlights its widespread popularity and popularity among the tech-savvy social media audience. Its rapid growth proves its appeal and distinctive features.

Sounds amazing right? Well, we have hence decided to prepare a blog that will help you better understand the requirements necessary to build a text-based app like Threads. It will describe its features as we also look at the development processes and the budget required to make such an application functional. 

Distinguishing Threads from Twitter: A Comparative Analysis

Difference between Threads and Twitter

How To Build A Text-based App Like Threads?

Preparing a text-based app like Threads that can compete in the market and be relevant is based on solid foundations that can be provided only with the aid of an experienced social media app development company that has been delivering these applications for some time. Eflair Webtech is the top mobile app development company known for its app development services. Some other basic needs include:

Step-by-Step Guide to Developing a Text-Based Social Media App

  • Requirement Analysis

The start of any social networking app development has to begin with creating the basic functional blueprint of the application and marking out the app’s requirements and objectives. Any text-based app must have a clear target audience, who are expected to be the main customers. The features and functionalities that are necessary can then be pointed out.

  • Market Research

Research of the market is necessary to gather information about competitors while better understanding customer preferences and trends. 

  • Design and User Interface

With data collection complete, it is essential to begin creating the app’s wireframes, mockups, and prototypes to understand what it feels like while using the application. To make an application successful, the application needs to have an intuitive and visually appealing design. 

  • Technical Architecture

Text-based applications require a certain set of technology stacks and infrastructure to make it possible to build threads-like applications. The programming language must also be selected such that the scalability and performance of the application is top-notch.

  • Backend and Frontend Development

This next step is preparing the backend infrastructure necessary for the smooth working of the application. That includes servers, databases, APIs, and a robust set of electronics that will form the base. Proper security mechanisms are also installed in this phase to ensure better protection of user data. This is followed by developing the components, screens, and interactive elements needed to make it more attractive and flexible in the market. 

Also Read: Social Media App Development Cost in 2024?

  • Testing and Quality Assurance

After the initial developer phase of the application, the testing phase comes up. There is thorough testing to identify and resolve bugs, glitches, or usability issues in this period. Functional testing, compatibility testing, And user acceptance testing must also be done to guarantee a perfect user experience.

  • Deployment and Maintenance

Even after the application is deployed across different app stores, it is important to keep in touch with customer feedback and to check for bugs regularly. Performance must be monitored, and regular updates and improvements must be introduced to ensure smooth and meaningful functioning across all platforms.

What Features Make Threads Unique As a Text-Based Social Media Application?

Thread launched by Instagram is unique as it’s a platform with its own set of distinctive features and its emphasis is on building better connections between individuals. It builds communities around similar interests and tries to find a common platform for diverse communities across the globe. It’s best to hire mobile app development company to do the development. Some essential features that have to be present in an application like Thread include:

  • Seamless Integration

Threads works as an integration platform with Instagram and allows users to start building their profiles with their existing Instagram accounts. This makes it quicker for them to find their followers and friends and prepare a proper connection. 

  • Follow Accounts Automatically

As Threads is an integrated platform, users can automatically and quickly follow the accounts connected with the Instagram account. This will ensure meaningful wandering on the site. Mobile app developers have devices for creating this system. 

  • Enhanced Messaging

Threads also has a better messaging app. It covers texts and quotes up to 500 characters and supports photos, links, and other videos ranging up to a maximum of 5 minutes. 

  • Threads

The app interface shares similarities with other short text-based applications like Twitter. The content has options to like and repost, along with a variety of hashtags to link the thread and bring it to notice.

  • Communities

Thread is a platform that is designed to improve the connections and communications between different communities and foster a vibrant atmosphere of tolerance and friendship. Users can freely engage in various meaningful discussions and build connections with other like-minded individuals around the globe. This similarity in interests is the driving power behind the application. It is a platform for sharing ideas and creativity. 

Threads App Features
  • Tune Out the Noise

Threads has a “Turn Out the Noise” feature that helps users better control their communications. It allows users to undertake what to post and what not to post, as it can harm the community and cause issues within the platform. It is one of the most sought-after features of the Threads app, as it has a lot of applications in the modern world. In the age of cyberbullying, it has become essential to understand the systems that would bar these bullies from creating issues with genuine accounts. 

Users can customize and improve their experience by selecting the people who can text them. That includes who can mention or reply to them, as well as filtering out and removing those replies that are insulting or demeaning. That can be narrowed down to a few specific words. Eventually, the profiles can be removed from contact by following a system of unfollowing, blocking, restricting, or even reporting in times of excessively damaging material. As a bonus, any profile that is blocked on Instagram will also be blocked on Threads courtesy of their integration. This guarantees a very positive and friendly environment for most users.

  • Compatibility with Interoperable Networks

Threads not only works with Instagram but also alongside several other systems. It can lend support to the ActivityPub protocol, an open social networking protocol established by the World Wide Web Consortium known to help integrations with other applications. 

This compatibility helps Threads to easily connect with other applications in related fields which support the ActivityPub protocol. These include the likes of Mastodon and WordPress, which are known worldwide for providing the resources required for better blog development. Its ability to interoperate makes it possible for Threads to prepare better incentives for connections and interactions. These may not be normally available on other social apps. 

The main advantage of this system is that it helps to better engage with a wider network of audiences working across different platforms. This leads to a more inclusive and expansive experience on the social platform, greatly improving the experience. Thus, to create and ensure the success of an application like Threads, it must have wide interoperability across multiple servers. This improves the experience of most users as most people use multiple social media apps that often have to be interoperated. 

How Much Does it Cost to Develop an App Like Threads?

Developing an app similar to Threads may cost between $15,000 to $40,000, subject to various factors such as app complexity, development agency location, integrated features, chosen tech stack, and design elements. Threads is a sophisticated mobile application known for its high-end API integration and robust security measures. To obtain a cost estimate, consult a reputable mobile app development company. They will assess your budget and specific app requirements, offering a tailored quote that provides insight into the investment needed to create an app like Threads.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Developing a Text-Based App Like Threads

Developing a text-based app similar to Threads involves several key factors that influence the overall cost. These factors include:

  • UI/UX Design

A well-executed UI/UX strategy has a significant impact on user engagement and retention rates. Extensive testing and customization to meet specific requirements contribute to app development costs.

  • Application Platform

The choice between iOS, Android, or cross-platform development affects cost considerations based on several factors. Starting with a single platform and expanding to cross-platform later can optimize budget.

  • Team Size

The size and structure of the development team, whether they are freelancers, in-house employees, or outsourced, directly impact the cost and timeline of app development.

  • Data Encryption

Implementing robust data encryption mechanisms to protect user data incurs additional development costs.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Building Threads App
  • Authentication and Authorization

Developing a robust authentication system, such as two-factor authentication (2FA), enhances security but may increase development costs.

  • Maintenance

Regular Support and updates are essential for seamless app operation, including bug fixes and feature enhancements.

  • Tech Stack

The choice of a technology stack affects scalability, compatibility, and development time, which influences the overall cost.

By understanding and considering these factors, you can estimate the cost implications of developing a text-based app like Threads. Each factor plays a significant role in shaping the overall investment, enabling successful app development within budget constraints.

Monetization Strategies for a Text-Based App Like Threads

When planning to launch a text-based app like Threads or Twitter and seeking revenue generation methods, consider these effective strategies:

  • Advertising

Integrate targeted advertisements, sponsored content, or brand partnerships within the app to generate revenue.

  • In-App Purchases

Provide users with the opportunity to purchase premium features, exclusive content, or virtual goods.

  • Premium Model

Offer a free basic version of the app and provide premium upgrades, verified tags, or advanced functionalities through a monthly subscription model.

  • Sponsored Content and Influencer Collaborations:

Collaborate with influencers or brands to feature sponsored posts or promote their content within the app, creating additional revenue streams.

Carefully evaluate these monetization strategies based on your app’s target audience, user experience, and market trends. By implementing the right approach or a combination of strategies, you can effectively monetize your text-based app, provide value to users, and establish sustainable revenue streams.


The ‘threads killer’ application allows users to connect and speak with like-minded individuals and follow in their footsteps as successful creators in the online world. It hosts a whole group of different topics ranging from current affairs to upcoming trends and everything that could enjoy a mass following. Threads can also be used as a very useful tool for promoting different personal ideas, opinions while promoting creative talent. Hence, many features are necessary to be present in an app like threads, and can be made available by most social media app development companies.

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FAQ on How to create Threads app

Threads is a social media application created by Meta, centered on text-based communication. It is designed for sharing updates up to 500 characters long, as well as photos, videos, and links. It stands out by fostering expressive conversations beyond mere text, providing users with a seamless platform for concise communication.

The app’s quick messaging capabilities are the main advantage, as it is available day and night for quick connections.

The first step of any application building starts with defining the goals of the app and the target customers.

The best way of building any app like Threads is to find a social networking app development company with experience in the field.

Threads development typically involves various technologies, including front-end frameworks like React Native and Flutter, back-end languages such as Python and Node.js, databases like MongoDB and PostgreSQL, cloud services like AWS and Google Cloud, and APIs for seamless integration.

The timeline for developing an app like Threads can vary depending on its complexity and features. It may take several months to develop, test, and launch an app.

The key features include text sharing with integrated multimedia, personalized feeds, secure user authentication, real-time notifications, content discovery algorithms, and easy thread creation.

The cost of developing an app like Threads can vary widely, ranging from $15,000 to $40,000 or more. The cost is influenced by factors such as app complexity, design elements, development team size, technology choices, and integration of advanced features.

To optimize costs, consider starting with a minimum viable product (MVP) and gradually adding features based on user feedback. Additionally, outsourcing to a reputable development agency in a cost-effective region can be advantageous.

Monetization methods include advertising, in-app purchases for premium features, a freemium model with subscription upgrades, and sponsored content or brand collaborations.

Having a dedicated development team ensures a smoother development process and improved collaboration. You can hire in-house developers or collaborate with a professional mobile app development company.

Implement robust data encryption, secure authentication mechanisms, and adhere to industry-standard security protocols to safeguard user data and privacy.

To begin, it is worthwhile to conduct market research, outline the features and functionality of your app. You should also create a comprehensive development plan, and find a competent development team or agency to bring your vision to reality.

Parth Thakkar

Written by Parth Thakkar

Parth Thakkar is Chief Information Officer at MultiQoS, boasting a rich background in successfully executing intricate projects and fostering collaboration across diverse teams within Agile and Waterfall project frameworks. Renowned for his adeptness in navigating complex and dynamic settings, he is deeply committed to leveraging technology to address business hurdles and drive innovation.

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