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How to Develop a Doctor Appointment App Like Okadoc? Cost & Features

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How to Develop a Doctor Appointment App Like Okadoc? Cost & Features


The development of applications (apps) for use on mobile devices is now more crucial than it has ever been. Investing in the production of mobile apps is the most effective approach for a business to ensure an effective connection with a broader audience; therefore, they should prioritize this. Applications that allow users to schedule medical appointments online have been at the forefront of the race to build successful mobile apps for the last three years, and there is a solid reason for this.

One of the most significant developments in mobile technology is the introduction of Healthcare App Development and scheduling with medical professionals. They are the lifesaving weapons for patients and physicians, especially in these crucial times when COVID levels are growing. It is impossible to emphasize how beneficial appointment scheduling software is for medical practices. Patients may now book appointments in a flash, select between video and audio consultations, and even pay for their treatment using a mobile app for either Android or iOS. Patients now have the option to pick between video and audio consultations. By reading this blog, you will get a fair sense of how much the doctor appointment app will probably cost and its features, functionality, and overall pricing.

Understanding The Market Statistics of the Healthcare Industry

Medical apps have swiftly become a top priority for app developers working in the health and fitness business due to the ease with which they facilitate the scheduling of appointments and the maintenance of a record of past consultations.

It has been shown that an app for doctor appointment is preferred by 43% of individual patients. In addition, seventy-two percent of patients and sixty percent of healthcare practitioners believe that online booking systems assist patients in remembering their appointments and attending them. A small group of healthcare app development services providers has emerged on top as a result of the extensive interest and rising acceptance from both the healthcare business and its financial supporters.

According to projections made by studies, the market for mobile health apps will be valued at more than $50 billion by the year 2025. These numbers unequivocally represent an expanding movement toward adopting novel ways to deliver healthcare mobile solutions. In addition, a recent survey revealed that 43 percent of patients prefer to schedule appointments online, and 57 percent of consumers utilize the internet for hunting for a new healthcare provider.

Also Read: A Comprehensive Guide on How to Build a Fitness App

Okadoc App- Dubai’s Best Doctors Appointment Booking App

Digital health company, Okadoc’s mission is to broaden patients’ access to high-caliber medical care to serve their needs better. The Okadoc app lets users arrange appointments online, assists them in locating providers who take their insurance, and provides reminders in advance of scheduled visits. As a result of Covid-19, there has been an increase in demand for telehealth services, so Okadoc came up with a solution that was in line with its digitalization goals. Okadoc is utilizing its cutting-edge booking and telemedicine platform to revolutionize how mobile healthcare solution(s) are delivered and patients are managed.

Okadoc is making a major contribution toward improved patient care and the overall quality of patients’ health in each of its three centers. In the United Arab Emirates, Okadoc is by far the most widely used doctor appointment application with medical professionals (UAE). Okadoc is now the most popular app for scheduling medical appointments in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This is due to the fact that it has a directory of the leading hospitals and clinics in the area, in addition to providing rapid access to hundreds of specialists.

How Does Okadoc App Work?

Okadoc is attempting to develop a method that will allow patients to be connected with medical specialists. Since the advent of online consultations with medical professionals, traveling great distances to see a specialist is no longer necessary. To make an appointment, you may do the following using the Okadoc app:

Step 1: There is no cost associated with downloading the Okadoc mobile app, which means it may be used on any smartphone.

Step 2: Make a note of the name of the medical facility or clinic you want to attend for your doctor’s appointment.

Step 3: You may begin choosing your favorite physician on the hospital page, which can be found under the heading “preferred health issues.”

Step 4: If the doctor is available on Okadoc, you will have the option to book a video appointment with them.

Step 5: On the front page of Okadoc, you can filter physicians by specialty and health condition.

Features Required In A Doctor Consultation App Like Okadoc

  • Customized Search Bar

Users can refine the results of their searches by inputting particular criteria into the search bar inside the app. Engage the services of a mobile app developer to make adjustments to the search criteria in order to expedite the process by which clients may find what they are searching for.

  • Feedback of Examination Conducted by Professional Medical Personnel

The ability of your users, who are patients, to rate and review the physicians they have visited is the one feature of your mobile app for finding physicians that are most likely to pique the attention of the patient side of your customer base. In your capacity as a creator of healthcare mobile app development, you are aware of the significance of providing your associated medical practitioners with a large number of genuine user reviews and ratings. When using a book doctor appointment app to schedule a medical appointment, most individuals will only pick a doctor based on the number and quality of reviews and ratings the practice has received. 

As a result, it is quite probable that consumers will not interact with the respective doctors or the app as a whole if they come across doctor profiles devoid of ratings and reviews. You should not only enable users who are patients to rate and review the clinic, but you should also let them post images or videos of the facility’s present status so that other users can see how well it is maintained. This will give consumers a better idea of how well the clinic is kept

  • In-app calendar management

An in-app calendar module that notifies users of future appointments, specials, free checkups, and other pertinent events is a desired feature of any online doctor appointment app. This module should be able to send notifications to users. This feature not only enhances the general usability of the app that you use to arrange appointments with your doctor by enabling you to keep your personal preferences, but it also makes it much simpler to schedule appointments with your physician.

How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Doctor Appointment App Like Okadoc
  • In-app messaging feature

A useful extra feature of your app is its capacity to provide simple communication in both directions between medical professionals and their patients via the use of in-app chat or messenger. For best effectiveness, you should consider incorporating an AI-based chatbot that offers consumer support at all hours of the day and night.

  • Locating a Physician or Health Care Facility

An important component of any doctor appointment booking app must be included in the Search feature. Patients that make up your user base need to be able to search for doctors and clinics using parameters such as specialty, clinic or doctor name, wait time, visitation costs, and so on. To provide your customers with the best possible service, you should have a search filter menu that is as thorough as possible.

  • Making an Appointment

It ought to go without saying that this is an essential part of your app’s capability to find medical specialists. You should strive to make the user experience of any new appointment-booking capability that you provide as uncomplicated and uncomplicated as possible so that picking a doctor and deciding on a time slot for making an appointment is as simple as possible. It should be possible for patients to choose a day in the future that is convenient for them, and it should be possible for physicians to accept or refuse appointments in real-time, depending on their availability.

  • Online Consultation Feature

In view of the current state of affairs on a worldwide scale, an online consulting service is an essential component that should be included in your app. People should be able to make appointments with the physicians of their choice and then communicate with those doctors via the app using voice or video chat.

  • Performing a Search Using Geographic Coordinates

Patients should be able to search for local medical facilities utilizing a geo-location-based function, which would be another wonderful MVP (Minimum Viable Product) feature. Examples of such facilities are clinics and hospitals. Your mobile app for booking doctor’s appointments might stand to gain from a location-based search option, which you can add by integrating features from Google Maps and Apple Maps. Your healthcare software would benefit enormously from an increase in session length at physician offices, which would benefit your program’s use.

  • Prescription Upload

When you go to the doctor online, you will have the ability to input your prescriptions with ease. It is feasible to provide patients the option of uploading their prescriptions or giving them access to electronic prescriptions that describe the medications they want to take and the doses and administration schedules they choose.

  • Stakeholders’ Profile Management

The User Profile and the Doctor are the two most important aspects of the application used to make and manage medical appointments. In addition to the user’s name, age, and gender, the profile also contains fundamental health information about the user, such as their weight, height, blood group, and so on. 

On the other hand, the doctor’s profile will contain information such as the doctor’s area of specialization, the clinic’s location, visitation fees, and other relevant details. We recommend that you consider the user profile page as the patient’s medical record and the doctor profile page as the part where all pertinent information, such as the doctor’s education, areas of expertise, and even a snapshot of the clinic, is shown. Both of these pages can be accessed by logging in to your account.

How Much Does It Cost to Develop a Doctor Appointment App like Okadoc?

The price of developing medical advice apps for Android and iOS might reach up to $80,000. The creation of Okadoc, an app that is widely used in the United Arab Emirates to schedule medical appointments, required a total investment of a few thousand dollars. To begin, let’s take a look at a few factors that might impact the overall cost of developing a doctor appointment online app.

  • The UI/UX Design of the App

The cost of developing an app comparable to Okadoc is directly proportional to the level of difficulty of the app’s user interface design. The production costs of a complex mobile app are much higher than those of a simple mobile app. It would be easier to utilize a healthcare app if the user interface had a more attractive design, making it more intuitive.

  • Features and Characteristics to be Included

When it comes to the creation of a mobile app, this is the second greatest drain on resources. Yes. The capabilities and characteristics of an on-demand healthcare app play a significant role in determining the total app development cost.

To ensure there is no confusion, we mean that the cost of development for a healthcare app with just the most basic functionality will be a great deal lower than the cost of development for an app with comparable functionality but cutting-edge technology.

  • Create an App with the Help of This Support System

A healthcare app development company focusing on developing mobile applications will produce software for iOS and Android operating systems to cater to their customer base’s preferences. The amount of time and resources necessary to develop an application for an iPhone vs. an Android smartphone are drastically different.

  • Native or Hybrid Framework

The kind of doctor appointment booking app development that is being built will ultimately influence the cost that will be incurred. Okadoc is a hybrid application that runs equally well on mobile devices powered by the Android operating system, the iOS operating system, and the Windows operating system. It offers the performance of the highest caliber and is very usable across all platforms. 

It has significantly contributed to Okadoc’s spectacular climb to notoriety in recent years. Before determining Mobile App Development cost, it is essential to have a clear idea of the kind of software you want to develop, whether native, cross-platform, or hybrid.

  • Level of Expertise of the App Developers

The degree of expertise that mobile app developers have in a particular industry and their track record of successfully creating comparable apps for mobile devices are two of the primary factors that influence the price of an application that allows users to schedule appointments with their doctors. Hiring a competent Custom App Development Company may likely be more expensive than the budget you have set aside for the project.

MultiQoS Expertise in Doctor App Development?

Because of the success we’ve had in the past with this subject, we strongly suggest that you check out MultiQoS. It is a hub that increases people’s capacity to get the necessary medical care whenever and wherever they need it. It offers real-time video consultations, appointment scheduling, and reminders for both patients and physicians, and it enables patients to choose doctors based on the talents, areas of expertise, and ratings that patients have given those doctors.

A completely new web-based communication and video-conferencing technology have only been available by MultiQoS, which fully complies with all of the HIPAA standards. It includes everything that a physician and patient may potentially need to organize their meetings effectively. Our healthcare mobile app development company currently has a cutting-edge video streaming solution that boasts excellent browser compatibility, echo cancellation, and a variety of other capabilities as a direct consequence of the hard work that they have put in. Make an appointment with a MultiQoS specialist to discuss the possibility of developing a one-of-a-kind app for managing medical appointments.

To Summarize

Apps that allow users to schedule online doctor appointments are in high demand right now because they make it easier for users to seek instant care for their various medical issues. Even if established companies already exist in the mobile app development industry, there is no question that a unique and feature-rich product will find a place for itself in the market. A productive partnership between a customer and the firm that develops healthcare apps is necessary to produce a quality app. Allow our team of experienced mobile app developers to assist you in giving your concept an accurate and relevant form.

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FAQs on Doctor Appointment App Development

Your specific demographics will provide the solution to this. Use iOS if your target audience is in the West. Choose Android if you want to reach users all around the globe. Our advice is to put money into Healthcare Mobile App Development powered by React Native and release it for Android and iOS.

As the app’s administrator, you will have access to a unique profile from which you may add physicians to the app’s database and fill up their profiles. You’ll also have the option to change a doctor’s details or delete them entirely from the app.

Extending into the progressive web app (PWA) space is a good idea if you have established yourself and have a constant flow of visitors, but it is not necessary at the outset. You could expose your software to a million more people for a little fee. Without sacrificing quality, we could reduce the price of creating an app for scheduling medical appointments.

Parth Thakkar

Written by Parth Thakkar

Parth Thakkar is Chief Information Officer at MultiQoS, boasting a rich background in successfully executing intricate projects and fostering collaboration across diverse teams within Agile and Waterfall project frameworks. Renowned for his adeptness in navigating complex and dynamic settings, he is deeply committed to leveraging technology to address business hurdles and drive innovation.

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